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Fanfare Timofei Dokschitzer | Sergei Nakariakov and Trimitas

Having started his career at a time when the trumpet had not yet found its place in the world of serious music, Timofei Dokschitzer has become one of the world’s most prominent musical personalities, a living legend of the trumpet, a virtuoso, who has recorded more than two hundred albums. Having lived in Moscow for almost six decades, performed extensively, conducted masterclasses worldwide, from Japan to the United States, and been invited to serve on the juries of international competitions, Timofei Dokschitzer spent the last decade of his life in Vilnius. 

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Cinematoria Cali-Gari

This project is a new experiment combining orchestral music, cinema, academic and popular, acoustic and electroacoustic music. This form presents a new soundtrack and stage setting for a most important, classical silent film of German Expressionism, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, made 100 years ago.

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